The Trials & Tribulations of One Victor Freestone

In which

a subject is observed

Henshaw, Missouri

August 29th, 1875 (finalised)

Subject: Victor Freestone, Werewright
Age: 20-25
Height: 172-187 centimeters
Weight: ~80 kilograms

Physical Description:

Subject’s hair is kept neat and trimmed with loose curls. Estimated length of hair about 5-8 centimeters.

Eyes are sunken, and several small scars are present at the chinline. Otherwise, facial features are nondescript for a Negro. Keeps clean shaven.

Shoulders are placed close together. Matching scars on both hands, starting at proximinal phalange of little finger and moving up the arm. Surgical scars?

Chest is slightly above average in terms of muscle. Scars continue from arm to the chest, under the pectorals. Perfectly symmetrical. Scars appear to continue down the torso, but subject closed window before further analysis could be conducted.

Lower body and legs lack any notable qualities while clothed. Further observation would most likely cross the line between scientific observation and base voyeurism.


Subject lives in the two-story building previously owned and inhabited by Dr. Theodore Birch. The first floor is dedicated to his ostensible profession of ‘medical doctor’, with a parlor, a room with sickbeds, and a storage room for supplies. The second floor consists of housing, where subject eats and sleeps. Tools of his actual profession are most likely stored in the basement. Subject also keeps a pet frog, a particularly large specimen of the common bullfrog. He uses it as a guard animal, its deep croaks scaring away anyone attempting to peek into the basement. If croaking fails to drive them away, it will resort to jumping on them and licking them. I’ve also learned that cleaning frog mucus off your dress is an unpleasant process.

Solitary Behavior:

Subject spends most of his solitary time at his home, writing or reading. All writing materials are locked away in his desk, but I was able to peruse his reading material. There are some books about medicine, anatomy and mythology, and some collections of essays from known scholars on a wide variety of topics, but over half of his collection is novels, often from French authors. A number of the French works are untranslated, implying that the subject is multilingual.

Subject is also prone to unusual habits when he believe he’s alone. If stressed, he can start pacing while muttering to himself, a behavior which can last for a full half-hour. If in a good mood, he’ll dance to an unheard tune. Hand movements are often erratic in both scenarios, twitching and waving about.

Other than that, subject mostly performs basic domestic tasks and feeds the frog.

Social Behavior:

Subject rarely socializes with others unless he was specifically invited or is going to church. Worship practices during sermon hours are modest and unassuming. He keeps a Bible; wearing on the spine suggests that it gets regular use. Subject always attempts to converse with other churchgoers, though such interactions tend to be brief due to the local population’s dislike towards him. There’s a phenomenon that happens during these conversation where his smile seems to clench in place, as if by lockjaw. It appears to be a stress response when faced with suspicion or distrust, usually when he’s asked questions that belie the speaker’s racism or threaten to expose his secret skillset. Notably, I did not trigger the same response when I questioned him at dinner with my family.

Behavior with others is the most positive during housecalls, especially after any care has been completed. He seems to enjoy actual medical care as much as werewrightwork. Subject is also calmer when interacting with the infirm and their relations; conversation usually revolves around the patient’s malady and not himself.

Highest recorded mood was earlier today. Another Negro, a bible salesman, had come to town with illustrated copies of the Old Testament. The subject invited other churchgoers after church to peruse his wares. After they’d bought their books and left, he helped the salesman repack his wagon. After the subject had returned to his home, I was able to speak to the salesman before he left. According to him, they’d just met a few days earlier after an accident with the wagon. The subject provided some undefined help, most likely werewrightwork. Could be racial camaraderie, or it could just be a testament to his bedside manner.

Other Comments:

Surgical scars could be the result of werewrightwork, but they seem too noticeable for that.

Anak seems to grow larger as time goes on. It’s currently the size of a small dog. Possible werewrightwork? Definitely not mundane.

From observing him with other townsfolk, he seems to act differently towards myself in particular. Perhaps he’s more willing to let his guard down since I already know what he’s doing.

His isolation is unusual, even accounting for his need to keep secrets. He doesn’t take part in leisure activities in town, whether it’s drinking at the bar or tossing rocks at bottles or what have you. He takes the occasional walk on the outskirts of town, but never with other people. This could be chalked up to the town’s fear of him, but he’s still noticeably guarded around my father, who’s already accepted him. Considering how he acts with other Negroes, he might feel alone here even if every person in town liked him.

He’s more like me than I’d expected. A bookhound, a loner, an outcast.

If he is like me, then is he analyzing me as well? Assessing me behind those eyes of his? I find the idea unpleasant.

Perhaps I shouldn’t be doing this if I’d rather him not do the same. I hadn’t even considered how he might feel if he knew he was being watched.

I’ll continue observation until the end of the month, finalize the profile and cease this voyeurism. I’ve made some useful discoveries while writing this, but I’m growing to regret this endeavor. It made sense when I was just trying to find the answers he wouldn’t give me, but I haven’t learned anything that justifies peeking through windows at him over and over again. And, well, he is a human being, Negro aside. I’m sure he minds privacy less than I do, but that’s no reason to violate it for no reason.

Observation concluded,

Geraldine Macy

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